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Showing posts from December, 2022

Assault weapons, gun violence (uncomplete article)

Assault weapons, gun violence and why you’re an uneducated idiot. By Alex Owens Introduction to the article. This is an article that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, this is going to tackle a hard argument that in all honestly does not have a good solution. My main point of writing this is to have a lot of information in one spot. When people talk about the issue with gun violence you tend to see a lot of miss information spread and in some cases flat out lies. I’m not a smart person, you’ll find plenty of grammar mistakes in this article to confirm that. But the information is out there clear as day and it either is not talked about or when used in an argument only 20% of the info is said. The Gun Violence debate is not something that can be discussed in 15 mins, its not a problem that one party can tackle. Whatever your opinion of Guns are, please read this, I’ll try and have links and screenshots at the end for my scources. I’m also kind of writing this more like a script as