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Are you a Nuisance to the Fireams Community?

Have you ever heard words and terms used in the firearms community and you have no clue what they mean? Are people pointing at you and making fun of you behind your back? 

You're in luck, today I will explain slang terms and uncover if you are or if someone is the cringey person people talk shit about in the parking lot at the range. 

Lets just jump right the fuck into this and talk about Fudds. 

The core definition of a Fudd is a person that primarily only cares about hunting. These people usually feel that the average person only needs a hunting rifle and a side arm in their collection. No need for AR-15s and high compacity polymer wonder 9 pistols. 

The word Fudd comes from the Loony Toons cartoon character Elmer Fudd. 

The word Fudd can describe all types shooter as well. 
Fudd's generally were born before 1970. Their firearm knowledge is usually 5-15 years outdated. They do not believe in adopting modern technology and will argue to death about their opinion without any real fact or little to no personal experience. 

Common ways do identy a Fudd. 

1. Wears hunting camouflages such as Real Tree or Mossy Oak as normal every day entire. 
2. Wears a vest on a daily basis. 
3. Their choice of CCW can only carry 8 rounds maximum and is no smaller then at .45 caliber. This is carried in a nylon or leather holster. 
4. They own a Mosin Nagant 
5. most common thing out of their mouth is "what do you need ____ for?" 
6. only buys American made guns and gun parts despite having a house filled with stuff made in china. 


In my opinion, Buuba's are worse then Fudd's. Like a Squirtle evolving into a Wartortle (thats a pokemon reference for all you Fudds and Boomers) A Bubba is an advanced Fudd, They are a Person that will take old vintage firearms and modify them. 

A Bubbas handy work is not to be confused with sporterizing a rifle. I'll expaline the two. 

We have two people that both own a Mosin Nagant and would like to put a scope on it. 

The Sporterizing person is going to purchase a scope mount that is designed to fit this historical rifle with little to no modifications needed. followed by attaching his shitty NC Star scope to the top. 

Bubba is going to use wood screws to drill an L bracket into the side of the gun then use self tapping screws to attach a rail on top of the bracket, Hit it with black paint and attach the same shitty NC Star scope to it. 

Not only can a Bubba be annoying, but they specialize in devaluing historical guns all in the name of attaching some shitty accessory to it. And their "project" might Blow up depending on the modification they made, its advised to stay 50 feet or more away from a Bubba is they are shooting one of their rifles. 

Just as Good'ers 

The Just as Gooder (JAG) unlike the Bubba is not a higher evolution of the Fudd, however no gun enthusiasts is fully safe from developing Fudd-like tendencies. 

Quick PSA, If you or a loved one are experiencing Fudd like symptoms, Drive to your local range and rent a polymer framed pistol chambered in 10mm or 5.7x28 with a red dot mounted and rapid fire until you are kicked out. This should suppress Fudd symptoms for a while. 

Back to Jags, This person cannot tell the difference between a $300 Taurus 9mm and a $2000 Staccato 2011.  

A Jag does not own any fire arms that cost over $600. But will own multiple budget friendly guns. Why have 1 Glock then you can have 2 Sccy pistols!! 


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