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More In-depth About Me.

I feel I need to do this article so I dont confuse people, because you don’t know who I am or what my shooting portfolio looks like. So let’s dive into my experiences. 

I shot my first gun when I was 4 or 5 years old. It was a Ruger 10/22 (I know, shocker) But i don't really remember this experience. I do remember when I was 7 and I shot a Desert Eagle. My Dad was holding the gun I was pulling the trigger. I shot sporadically for years because I didn’t/couldn’t own a gun and my dad was the only real person I knew that shot. I got into paintball and airsoft at an early age. I eventually got really heavy into airsoft. 

Now I want to talk more about airsoft because I have a love/hate relationship with it. What is an Airsoft gun? It’s a replica firearm usually made to mimic a real firearm. They shoot 6mm plastic BBs. What's playing airsoft? It’s people shooting at each other with these guns. Most of the time these games are split into teams and players are doing simple tasks like capture the flag or plant a bomb ect. So games get really intense and they try to make them as realistic as possible. I played for over 16 years, I also worked at an Airsoft store for 6 years but more on that later. Some of the games I attended were at military bases, abandoned shopping malls, Fort Knox, Joliet Prison. I got to shoot out of Helicopters, moving trucks, and do all sorts of cool things. I also used tactical gear a lot doing this and got really familiar with it. Sure I had gun handling “training” from airsoft but I’ll be the first to say airsoft teaches just as many bad habits as it does good habits. 

So I worked at an airsoft store. I learned every fucking thing about these dumb guns and all the shit that goes with them. I learned how the manufacturers operated and that also gave me insight on how manufacturing in general works. I learn a lot actually from working here, but mainly about dealing with people about firearm related items. I got to work with third party suppliers that sold firearms and I got to learn more about how they operate. Towards the end of me working at this store my opinion of airsoft got majorly skewed. I didn’t like the direction the hobby was going or the current generation of people that were playing it. The store I worked at was also becoming more bitter than sweet, for reasons I won't share here. But I did meet TONS of great people from airsoft and lots of them are huge into firearms just like me and I shoot with them all the time. I still like playing airsoft and will go to certain games. 

I currently work for a pretty big huge company in the firearms world. But I just started this job in october of 2021. So I’m not going to say too much about it now. 

So let's talk more about real guns. When I turned 21 I got my first gun from my dad. It was a cobray M-11 in 9mm. He sold it to me for $1. 

So this gun is pretty cool but it’s definitely not the most practical gun. Great for the range though. After that I got a Smith & Wesson M&P gen 1 in 9mm. The only reason I got that gun was because at the time I was anti Glock. The reason I was anti Glock also had nothing to do with the gun itself. Back then and to this day I think Glock makes a great gun and I even own one now, I just couldn’t stand Glock People. They thought it was the best thing in the world, they would talk about how great it made them as shooters even though they shot like shit or put hundreds of dollars into it to shoot it good. If you had a Glock they loved you but if you had literally anything else they would talk about how the glock was 1000 times better then your not glock.  To be honest Glock people are still annoying but not as bad as they once were. So I started shooting more often around 2012-2013. Started buying more guns in 2015. And then I kinda went crazy in 2016 and really haven’t stopped since then. Handguns are my jam. They are my favorite to shoot and I own a lot of them. My favorite gun that i own is my Sig Sauer P320 X5 Legion in 9mm with a Sig Romeo 1 Pro RDS on it, yea its a long fucking name. 

I’ve put thousands of rounds through this thing. I loved it so much that I bought a less Gucci version of the gun. Then I bought another Sig pistol, then a rifle. And I want more. All I want to do is keep drinking Sig Kool-Aid. But I’ve shot lots of other guns. Own other higher end guns. 

My friends and I have places we can shoot that aren't indoor ranges. A few private properties where we can do things like draw from holsters, transition from 1 gun to another, move and shoot, rapid fire, and wear full tactical gear. Lots of stuff you normally can’t do. 

So why am I telling you all of this? I’m not saying I'm a better shooter than everyone I know, because I garentree i’m not. I’m not saying I'm the best in IL or that I know more about guns than anyone. But I do have a pretty long and unique set of skills and experiences that lots of people don’t have. I am trying to learn more and more about firearms everyday (literally, its my 40 hour a week job) and one of my goals is to become an instructor and Licensed firearms dealer. So if I talk about anything in this blog this is my background. And this is going to keep changing. This year I started taking shooting classes and plan on taking more. I’m going to hit the range as much as I can to build my skills more. This blog is just for fun but I will be sharing my knowledge here. 

More Random facts about me as you begin to read this and learn how I think. I don’t like cheap shit, but I will use it and give it an honest review. I would rather have 1 $2000 pistol vs having 4 $500 pistols. I’m a big big BIG believer in you get what you paid for. I’m stubborn and I will do tons of research on shit before I argue about it. I’m not saying if I said it I'm 100% right, however if i’m getting into it with you it’s probably because I’ve looked into it a lot. I have been wrong plenty of times and admit it when I'm wrong. But I’ll also gloat and talk shit when I'm right. Honestly I talk a lot of shit, if you can’t talk shit about things you love then are you really into it? 


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